Shirt: American Eagle, Belt: Thrifted, Skirt and shoes: F21, Scarf: Old Navy, Watch: Gift {Movado}
I know, I know. Half up and curly as opposed to down and curly. I just really like to amp that shock factor sometimes. Right to the roof, lemme tell ya. I actually pull this 'do quite often for work. Not that I like to get all fancy for the office or anything, it just hides that third day hair and keeps me from having to recurl it and tame the frizz {thankyaverymuch Florida}. I always save my updos for the imtoolazytowashthehair days. Why waste perfectly good, clean curls with hairspray? So anywho, for those of you who aren't super familiar with this simple style, let me give you the rundown. Yes, yes, too exciting for words doesn't even come close to describing me at 12:00 on this lovely Tuesday night.
Basically you style the hair, curly or straight to begin. Then, separate the bang area from the main part of the hair if you do not wish to include it in your "bump". Next, starting with a small slice of hair just behind the bang area, gently backcomb from behind. Continue with tiny, ear-to-ear slices of hair until you reach the crown of the head. The more you tease your hair, the bigger the bump. Also the more tears it will shed because, quite frankly, hair is not a very good sport in the teasing department. Bigger bumps are nice for more fancy schmancy events, but I prefer a smaller one for work, a decidedly non-fancy schmancy event to say the least. {Yes, I realize this line could work double time for a bra ad. But maybe it just seems that way to the Young and the Breastless of us.} Once you have your bump to the preferred level of bumpiness, draw the sides back and together into a half-up, twist the hair slightly, and secure with bobby pins. I can't decide if this is far too in-depth for something so simple or confusing beyond belief. But, as mentioned, it's 12:00. P.M. So we shall certainly cut me a break. The style is also a most wonderous base for all sorts of other hairstyles, including a chignon, a side pony, a braid, high or low ponytail, or even a full on up-do. I would love to see your picture if you give it a whirl! So shoot me some emails. We'll have a nice little show and tell party here on the old blog. Like kindergarden. But with teasing combs.