

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring is heee-yah guys!










The other day I convinced Dusty to take pictures with me. He is such a stinkin' good sport. I really love that guy. And this is my new hat. I love him to. Fedoras are definitely male. Thanks mommy for your b-e-a-utiful picture taking skillzzz!


Alexis Kaye said...

I LOVE the one of you kissing in the doorway. You are seriously a cute couple

Unknown said...

You guys are stinkin cute!!!

Conny said...

OH MY GOD! these are so so beautiful! :) It makes me so happy to see happy couples! BEAUTIFUL! pictures! wow!

Anonymous said...

love love LOVE the boat picture. seriously who you gotta be so photogenic?
you two are a lovely couple!

Lauren said...

Love the pictures! They totally look like they should appear in a catalog for an awesome clothing store, you two are so well dressed and absolutely adorable together! :)

Francesca said...

You guys are adorable. Such beautiful photographs of the two of you <3

My Life as Whitney said...

These are gorgeous. The end.

Gentri said...

It is IMPOSSIBLE for you two to be any cuter. Seriously!! And I LOOOOVE the hat! :)

Sarah said...

These are amazing pictures! You both look gorgeous! I can see the chemistry between the two of you. So cute!

Abby said...

These are amazing!!! Can your mom take pictures for us :) you guys are sooo cute. xoxox

Kait H. said...

ramsey! these are beautiful!! soooo intimate and sweet!

Amy @ Amy Day to Day said...

WAIT, are you guys engaged? Did I miss something? You're sporting some sort of engagement looking ring on your left hand! Pretty pictures!

amy day to day

Kristen said...

Love these photos! You guys make an absolutely adorable couple. :)

Anonymous said...

These are such GREAT pictures! What kind of camera do you use?! I swear, you come out with phenomenal pictures every time!

Julie said...

These photos are GORGEOUS! Your mom takes awesome pictures. & You guys make a lovely couple!

liz said...

You guys are too photogenic for your own good ;)

Destined For Now said...

Gorgeous! How cool is it to know that you won't have to pay someone for your engagements. :)

Chloeazy said...

these are flippin good photographs! he is a good sport and I can see the cute love you guys have for each other through these pics and its adorable :)

Amy Z. said...

I LOVE these! The shots on the tractor are my favorite! Who knew a tractor would make such a hand prop...kinda wish I had one! haha

BryanaEllen said...

Oh wowza these are dang cute!! Love them, you two are a gorgeous couple.

Anonymous said...

So adorable!! You guys are too dang cute!!

Laura said...

These photos are a-stinking-dorable!!Your mom is a pretty talented photographer it looks like. Love your fedora, too!

Gertrude said...

Ohmygosh I can't choose the best photo cause all are so fabulous! And I have never seen your eyes sparkle this much (Dusty should be applauded for that!) and the scarf really brings out you eye colour.

Kendra said...

WOW! I definitely thought these were professionally done! High five for your mom! These are so beautiful :)


María said...

So beautiful and sweet pics...

Sasha said...

Awww! You guys look adorable! Your moma's got a talent in photography, most definitely!


Anja said...

O-M-G!! You both are so freakin' cute! And your mom has some serious skills right there! You should start a business together :)
Love the first one and the sepia picture. The colorful ones are all amazing as well, but I am a sucker for sepia and B/w! They make them look more timeless as well :)

Candice said...

Totally beautiful! I love all of them! :) Your mom has some great photography skills! :)

Ashley said...

Wow, you guys are ridiculously adorable. And your mom takes gorgeous photos!

jana said...

love these pics!! door frame & tractor poses are definitely my fave!!
picture date days are fun!!


Collections said...

These pictures are great! You should get some of them framed for sure.

I'm having a $100 dollar Shopbop giftcard GIVEAWAY on my blog! Come check it out :) It's open to international bloggers as well.

Collections Giveaway

Tasia |Ruffles and Sequins| said...

awwwwwww these pictures are adorable :) your mum has mad skillz with le camera!


Mariel Torres said...

you guys are adorable! Now i ABSOLUTELY can't wait to go home so i can see my love :)

Marie-Eve said...

You guys are too cute for words. And I love the outfit too !

Unknown said...

OMG RAMSEY these are sooooo cute!!!! you guys make such an adorable couple! matt would never pose for this many kissie pics, maybe 1 or 2 at most :)

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

Sweet Pea said...

Awww so cute :)

Anna @ IHOD said...

you guys are tooo cute!! Smokin pics! And love that hat!

Siena in Style said...

you look so beautiful together!!

Michelle said...

these are insane! i especially love the tractor pictures :)

Anonymous said...

Amazing pictures! so cute :)

The Random Years said...

I lovveee these pics. You guys are so freakin adorable!

Anonymous said...

Omigosh! I can't wait until I'm old enough to date so I can have a love like yours(:
You guys are adorable. I'm gonna make my boyfriend take pictures with me to, hahaha!
Love your blog Ramsey! <3

-aBBi giRL

Shellsea said...

You guys are so stinkin' cute together. The pictures are beautiful. And I love your dress, it totally makes me think of spring time.

Lauren Byers said...

these are great!! Was it all self timer?? amazing! :)

GoodFrameofMind said...

Ramsey!These pictures couldn't have been any cuter. So lovely!

Leah said...

Love every single one! These are great :) You are blessed that your man will pose with ya. My hubby HATES having his picture taken so we have VERY FEW good pictures together :( boohoo

Emily {All You Need is Love} said...

gorgeous pics!! i especially love the one in the boat!! :)

Anonymous said...

So cute! You guys look so much in love! My favorite is the one on the tractor, love the matching outfits!

Cess O. <3
The Outfit Diaries

Rachel said...

Ahh these are so adorable! Great pictures!

ithinkinpink said...

I love this! Momma you did a great job! I think the fact that she has such beautiful subjects to photograph makes her job that much easier!

Jess said...

A big well done to Mommy for these photo's! They are amazing!!

Anonymous said...

These pictures are so pretty!!! You both look great and just adorable together!

Lidi @ Eclectic Flair

Griffin and Gretchen said...

oh such great pictures! and fedora!

Shandi said...

You two make quite the cute couple! Also love the fedora.

Monica and Whitney said...

Are you guys J. Crew models? BEAUTIFUL! I love it.

Erica said...

Y'all are such a pretty couple! I love the tractor pics! And seriously, your mom is a beast with a camera.

North Meets South

BK said...

awww tear:) i love how cute your two are!! spring is here!

Isabella Kiss said...

cuteness. i especially love the ones on the tractor. very, very nice.

Dee Paulino said...

I am amazed your mother took these photos, she's so talented.... You two look gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

so, so pretty.

your [possible] children are going to be legit supermodel status.


The Pretty Life Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Heck. You just killed me with cuteness.

Savannah said...

These are beyond beautiful. I'm in love just by looking at them!

rlutz said...

amazing two are so freakin adorable together!

Unknown said...

How sweet! I particularly adore your new hat too. Perfect touch!

Gaby said...

These are great! Your mom's pretty talented.

Hailey said...

OH MY GOSH, so cute.

Abby said...

Oh my goodness. These are some of the sweetest pictures ever. And I love how you both coordinate without being matchy. adorable :)

Emily said...

Lalalalovvve these photos. So darling! Cutest couple if I ever saw one. :)

mk said...

these are the most darling pictures EVER. love them.


Nicole Marie said...

oh my gosh so freaking cute!!! i die for all of them! you two are adorable!!

Anonymous said...

These are so good! I was just about to ask if you used a tripod, but I see that Mom took them.

Angela said...

Great photos. Perfect!

Marissa said...

THE most gorgeous couple pictures ever!!! so beautiful :)

much love,

Unknown said...

these pics are all so cute. love them!

Renée said...

These photos are sooo pretty Ramsey! Love em all! I don't know how you would ever decide which ones to frame! :)

Anonymous said...

amazingly adorable.