I have honestly had this project done for days but my computer is SOOOO SSLLLOOOWWW that I just couldn't bear to upload all the photos in one sitting! This is a ready-to-fill scrapbook for my friend's baby shower coming up in April. The baby is due in June, so I made two pages for each month for one year. Anyway, all you scrapbookers out there, go easy on me because I am new to the art of scrapbooking. I think it turned out really well and it will be easy to fill in with pictures and memories throughout the first year. Stephanie, if you are reading this, STOP NOW!
Finally, I apologise for the poor quality pictures! I couldn't wait until it stopped raining and the pictures turned out darker than I thought.
Bringing home Baby

Love the bright colors for August!
The quote on this page says, "In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous."
Baby it's cold outside!
First Birthday!!!

Hopefully I will get up the patience to upload photos of other baby showery things that I've been working on. It was so nice to finally have some time to work on projects this weekend. We spent some quality time at Lowes looking at options for flooring...we are thinking of...get this...staining the floor, yep, staining it...a little crazy for us but I'll let you know how it goes. Anybody done this before? I also squeezed in a little bit of time with my sis to watch Taylor Lautner Twilight for a few hours. Yay Twilight 2 is finally out! Hope you all had a WONDERFUL weekend as well!!!
Happy Monday (night) but still Monday!
Happy Monday (night) but still Monday!
Linking to:

It turned out sooo cute!!! She is going to love it - homemade gifts are always the best and I can tell you put a lot of time into it. Nice work! =]
Ramsey, this turned out BEAUTIFUL!! Great job!! And what a fantastic idea too....:)
A beautiful gift, one that I know will be so appreciated! I'm a scrapbooker, too, and I think your pages are great. ;) I write occasional posts about scrapbooking if you ever want to visit my blog and click on the category for scrapbooking. I love what you've done!
Ramsey! I am glad that you found Meet Virginia! Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comment! It just made my day, I am so happy that you did because now I found your blog and I LOVE it!! Hope you are having a great day!!
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