Sew a seam long-ways (I don't think that is a word, but you know what I mean) down the fabric strip.
Once it's right-side out, iron the strip flat. Sew a basting stitch down the center so that you can form the ruffles. I sewed a basting stitch by hand and all you really have to do is thread your needle in and out using even stitches.
Use the width of the back of your onsie to judge the width you need the ruffle to be and tie off the end.
Pin the ruffle to the onsie (I was paranoid my ruffles would slip, so I got a little pin happy.) Once it's pinned in place, sew a seam down the middle over your basting stitch with a sewing machine. I have a tendency to get overly excited and go too fast, don't do that...go slowly.
You know that song, Henry the 8th...2nd verse, same as the cricket... ok, well this is the same concept. The second ruffle works the same as the first. Repeat once more for the third ruffle. This is seriously easy and quite quick.
And as if this wasn't cute enought to scarf up already, I added an adorable little saying to the front. I think it really amped up the cute factor, don't you? I have a tutorial on how to make iron-on transfers for tote bags here if you've never done it before, but its super easy.
Cutie Patootie!!! Can't wait to see it on a precious little one!
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