Who couldn't use a little office frosting to jazz up their home or work office? I created this cute gift set for my cousin, whose name I drew for our annual Christmas Eve party and gift exchange. I certainly didn't invent the wheel, I just came up with my own methods for doing things as I went along, so I'll try to walk you through with a little tutorial.
First off, before today, I was a Mod Podge virgin. Gasp! Last year, I used spray adhesive to make notebooks, and let me tell you, there is NO comparison. Now, I am looking on facebook for a Mod Podge anonymous group. Anyone? This stuff is AZMAZING! Can't believe it took me this long to discover it!
Hi, my name is Ramsey and I am a Mod Podgeaholic.
The total office kit comes with
- a clipboard
- a notebook
- two picture frames (she has two kids, you could definately do just one)
- a set of blank notecards
You will need: - Scrapbook paper in coordinating colors and patterns
- 1 composition book
- 2 woodenpicture frames ($1 at the craft store)
- 1 clip board
- Mod Podge
- Cardstock
- Ribbon
- Felt
Let's get goint with the clipboard first.
For this I used 2 coordinating pieces of scrapbook paper. I simply traced the outline of the clipboard onto the paper and mod podged (is that a verb now?) it onto the board. 
TIP: make sure to cover the entire surface with mod podge to avoid bubles (foam brushes work great for this). Once I had my two pieces glued the way I wanted, I added a monogram.
I printed the letter "C" backwards using Microsoft office word and traced it onto scrapbook paper, cut it out and stuck it on. If you have a cricut, you could definately use it here. (And send one my way please! I am stuck in the stone ages of crafting...I don't even have an exacto yet...pity me!) Finally, add a few layers of mod podge on top.
For the frames, I stained the edges of mine, but you could paint them with acrylic paint or leave them plain if you wish. The paint/stain job needn't be perfect, it will all get covered up!
Next, you are going to cut out a rough tracing of your frame...again with the perfect thing, not necessary. Mod Podge that bad boy on there. Once dry, take a nail file and file off the rough edges at a 45 degree angle (approximately).
Now, Mod Podge a few more layers on to secure it. Place a cute photo inside!
To add ribbon, simply cut to the length of your choice, I chose long so I could tie it at the top. Stick it to the back of your frame with m p and mod podge a piece of felt to the back to cover the ugliness and save your walls. 
The note book works basically the same way as the clipboard. Just trace, cut, paste, and file the edges. You can arrange the paper any way you choose. I didn't add the mod podge top layer to this because I didn't want it to be tacky. I also lined the inside front and back covers to give it a more finished look.
I hope you try this! It is really cute and SO easy...tedious, a little, but super easy! If I did a bad job explaining anything, let me know and I will clarify. I'm admittedly not the best at picture tutorials. (and in my defense, I was working at night by nasty florescent light)
Here is my cost breakdown:
Composition book-$1
Paper-$2 (You could definately just use what you have on hand)
Paint (use what you've got)
Picture frames-$2
Ribbon-$2 (again, use or reuse whatever you have)
Felt $1
I used some cardstock that I already had. It's $5 a package from Wally World and I use it for EVERYTHING!
The total project for me cost about $9. Perfect, cute, inexpensive, functional, my kind of Christmas gift!
Let me know if you give this a go...there's the Dr. Seus in me coming out....I'd love to see the finished product!
Happy giftmaking!
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