Monday, February 28, 2011
Mondays just keep getting closer together
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Dude, it's a tractor and a tidbit of wisdom
I'm a farmer guys. Or at least I rode a tractor today. Which kinda makes me a farmer. And you know you're a farmer if you have a picture with a tractor. So there. By the way this is not what I wore. I know, I read your mind on that one.
I was a little stressed out today {and may have had a slight/not so slight, tearful emotional breakdown} so I told Dusty at dinner that I just needed to make a list. Because that's what I do when I'm stressed, as if writing it down will keep it from clogging up my already-foggy head. Dusty offered his advice on the listmaking process which goes as follows: "When you make a list, you should always add some things that you've already done or that are easy to do so that you can cross them off and feel good about yourself. And then your list is already half done and you feel super productive." This is either ridiculous or really brilliant. I'm going with brilliant. Notice his additions to the list. Little stinker.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Button-up: American Eagle, Skirt: F21, Belt: Thrifted, Socks: Target, Shoes: Steve Madden, Watch: Vintage Gucci, Ring: F21, Shades: Old Navy
I'm closing in on this thing guys! Yay! The rest of my closet has been feeling really depressed lately from the utter neglect it's been facing. I've been sifting through my drawers just looking at alll my lonely clothes and planning what I'm going to wear as soon as I get the rest of my closet back. My spring/summer clothes are getting pretty psyched about the whole deal. I'll be honest though, I've become pretty attached to the denim shirt. So you can pretty much expect to see him a lot more. Like maybe every day. Or every other day at least.
I was pretty proud of myself for making it to Saturday morning Zumba despite the candy hangover I woke up with. Two points. We finished our Saturday with a date to Home Depot {can we say romance?} Then we mowed down some Steak and Shake. Mint Cookies and Creme, I love you.
Alrighty guys, this is a day late, are so gonna love me because I have the video tutorial finished {YAY}, which I will hoooopefully post tonight. Ching!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Dear Weekend,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Button-up: Belk, Belt: Thrifted, Jeggings: Wal-Mart, Necklace: F21, Flower: Made by me, Shoes: F21, Headband/Earrings: F21, Bag: D&G
This outfit made me feel like I should be cruising down the highway with my lovie in my vintage red convertable without a worry in the world.
Only, I had class . And my lovie was at work. And I don't really own a vintage red convertable. Details, details. I really think professors should just cancel class altogether when it feels like this outdoors.
I did, however, take the liberty of giving myself permission to sleep in and skip my rather unnecessary {watching a movie} first class. The weather was just too nice not to take a walk and soak up some sun! I also had lunch with my sweetie before I headed off to campus. And we found this awesome, random pile of bricks to take pictures on. So take that professors. Muhahaha!
This little darling {The car, not the man. Though old men in cute little caps driving vintage, red convertibles are rather darling.} was in front of me on the way to class. Not creepy at all to take pictures of the guy driving down the road in front of you. Right.
Oh, and some of you guys have been requesting a little tutie {tutorial}. So I'm taking requests. Singing is out. That only takes place in the shower.
Monday, February 21, 2011
I'm a bookworm

Hello tomato legs!
Dress: F21, Belt: Thrifted, Shoes: F21, Scarf: Old Navy, Watch: Vintage Gucci
So yesterday was just 100% fabulous! Please weather, do stick around! I promise we'll spend every afternoon just like yesterday, napping in the sun. I'll bring the lemonade.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
I'm officially a techie now
Ok, I overdosed on sushi today {Lunch and dinner. Oh yeah. I'm committed.} so I'm off to bed.
About Me

- Ramsey
- You are reading the tale of a fashion-loving law student. Who walks in heels while carrying heavy law books and wears red lipstick to class. On a teeny budget because, well, see above. At Florida State University College of Law. Being the most un-Floridian Floridian you will probably ever meet. Sometimes this tale is funny, sometimes stressed, or happy, or sad, or hungry. And it has pictures of clothes and such along the way. Because what isn't better with pictures?
Blog Archive
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- November (5)
- May (1)
- April (6)
- March (7)
- February (8)
- January (9)
- December (10)
- November (12)
- May (1)
- Mondays just keep getting closer together
- Dude, it's a tractor and a tidbit of wisdom
- 22...Hi-yah!
- Dear Weekend,
- Cruisin'
- I'm a bookworm
- Hello tomato legs!
- I'm officially a techie now
- Friday is most surely the happiest day
- Hello sunshine, you glorious thing you!
- That work place
- Well butter my biscuits!
- Non-Clothes Post
- Get your motor running...Head out on the highway
- We went out
- Feeling red
- Hello kitchen
- Holy Cheese Wiz
- I think my subconscious is excited about Valentine...
- Today was very blatantly Monday
- Hello Sunshine!
- Weekends are My Favorite
- We're going to the Place with the Best Hamburgers ...
- You Look...Warm
- Feeling Gray
- It's the Month of Hearts